Trade name of the product: |
Complex 34 |
Pharmaceutical active ingredients: |
Barberry RootBarium ChlorideCalcium (Oyster Shells)CapsicumCarbo AnimalisCelandineCharcoal ActivatedCinchona OfficinalisCollinsonia CanadensisConium MaculatumCynara ScolymusFel TauriGarlicGelsemium SempervirensGoldenrodHoang NanHydrastis CanadensisIodineJuniper BerriesMilk ThistleNew Jersey TeaParsleyPhosphoric AcidPhytolacca DecandraPotassium DichromateRagweed Tyrosine Adsorbate ModifiedSerum AnguillaeSilicon DioxideSodium Phosphate DibasicSulfuric AcidTheridionThuja OccidentalisTrifolium PratenseX-Ray |
Available forms, composition and doses of Complex 34: |
Liquid; Oral; 6 x; 6 x; 6 x; 6 x; 6 x; 6 x; 6 x; 6 x; 6 x; 6 x; 6 x; 6 x; 6 x; 6 x; 6 x; 6 x; 6 x; 6 x; 6 x; 6 x; 6 x; 6 x; 6 x; 6 x; 6 x; 6 x; 6 x; 6 x; 6 x; 6 x; 8 x; 6 x; 6 x; 6 x |
Medical categories: |
Human:Homeopathic products |
Indications and usages, anatomical therapeutic chemical and diseases classification codes: |
Pharmaceutical companies: manufacturers, researchers, developers, local distributors and suppliers: |
Naturpharm |
Where to buy Complex 34 brand or generic online: |
Buy Complex 34 online