Trade name of the product: |
Mag Kottas Krauterexpress-Leber-Gallentee |
Pharmaceutical active ingredients: |
ChamomileMenyanthesPeppermint LeafTaraxacumTeucrii Herba |
Available forms, composition and doses of Mag Kottas Krauterexpress-Leber-Gallentee: |
Tea; Oral; Chamomile; Menyanthes; Peppermint Leaf; Taraxacum; Teucrii Herba |
Medical categories: |
Human |
Indications and usages, anatomical therapeutic chemical and diseases classification codes: |
Pharmaceutical companies: manufacturers, researchers, developers, local distributors and suppliers: |
Kottas-Heldenberg Mag. R.U. Sohn |
Where to buy Mag Kottas Krauterexpress-Leber-Gallentee brand or generic online: |
Buy Mag Kottas Krauterexpress-Leber-Gallentee online