ICD-10 diseases codes online database

Chapter V

Conduct disorders - F91

Disorders characterized by a repetitive and persistent pattern of dissocial, aggressive, or defiant conduct. Such behaviour should amount to major violations of age-appropriate social expectations; it should therefore be more severe than ordinary childish mischief or adolescent rebelliousness and should imply an enduring pattern of behaviour (six months or longer). Features of conduct disorder can also be symptomatic of other psychiatric conditions, in which case the underlying diagnosis should be preferred.

Examples of the behaviours on which the diagnosis is based include excessive levels of fighting or bullying, cruelty to other people or animals, severe destructiveness to property, fire-setting, stealing, repeated lying, truancy from school and running away from home, unusually frequent and severe temper tantrums, and disobedience. Any one of these behaviours, if marked, is sufficient for the diagnosis, but isolated dissocial acts are not.
  • mood [affective] ( F30-F39 )
  • pervasive developmental disorders ( F84.- )
  • schizophrenia ( F20.- )
  • when associated with:
  • emotional disorders ( F92.- )
  • hyperkinetic disorders ( F90.1 )
F91.0 Conduct disorder confined to the family context
Conduct disorder involving dissocial or aggressive behaviour (and not merely oppositional, defiant, disruptive behaviour), in which the abnormal behaviour is entirely, or almost entirely, confined to the home and to interactions with members of the nuclear family or immediate household. The disorder requires that the overall criteria for F91.- be met; even severely disturbed parent-child relationships are not of themselves sufficient for diagnosis.
F91.1 Unsocialized conduct disorder
Disorder characterized by the combination of persistent dissocial or aggressive behaviour (meeting the overall criteria for F91.- and not merely comprising oppositional, defiant, disruptive behaviour) with significant pervasive abnormalities in the individual's relationships with other children.
Conduct disorder, solitary aggressive type
Unsocialized aggressive disorder
F91.2 Socialized conduct disorder
Disorder involving persistent dissocial or aggressive behaviour (meeting the overall criteria for F91.- and not merely comprising oppositional, defiant, disruptive behaviour) occurring in individuals who are generally well integrated into their peer group.
Conduct disorder, group type
Group delinquency
Offences in the context of gang membership
Stealing in company with others
Truancy from school
F91.3 Oppositional defiant disorder
Conduct disorder, usually occurring in younger children, primarily characterized by markedly defiant, disobedient, disruptive behaviour that does not include delinquent acts or the more extreme forms of aggressive or dissocial behaviour. The disorder requires that the overall criteria for F91.- be met; even severely mischievous or naughty behaviour is not in itself sufficient for diagnosis. Caution should be employed before using this category, especially with older children, because clinically significant conduct disorder will usually be accompanied by dissocial or aggressive behaviour that goes beyond mere defiance, disobedience, or disruptiveness.
F91.8 Other conduct disorders
F91.9 Conduct disorder, unspecified
  • behavioural disorder NOS
  • conduct disorder NOS

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