F93.0 |
Separation anxiety disorder of childhood
Should be diagnosed when fear of separation constitutes the focus of the anxiety and when such anxiety first arose during the early years of childhood. It is differentiated from normal separation anxiety when it is of a degree (severity) that is statistically unusual (including an abnormal persistence beyond the usual age period), and when it is associated with significant problems in social functioning.
- mood [affective] disorders ( F30-F39 )
- neurotic disorders ( F40-F48 )
- phobic anxiety disorder of childhood ( F93 .l)
- social anxiety disorder of childhood ( F93.2 )
F93.1 |
Phobic anxiety disorder of childhood
Fears in childhood that show a marked developmental phase specificity and arise (to some extent) in a majority of children, but that are abnormal in degree. Other fears that arise in childhood but that are not a normal part of psychosocial development (for example agoraphobia) should be coded under the appropriate category in section F40-F48.
- generalized anxiety disorder ( F41.1 )
F93.2 |
Social anxiety disorder of childhood
In this disorder there is a wariness of strangers and social apprehension or anxiety when encountering new, strange, or socially threatening situations. This category should be used only where such fears arise during the early years, and are both unusual in degree and accompanied by problems in social functioning.
Avoidant disorder of childhood or adolescence
F93.3 |
Sibling rivalry disorder
Some degree of emotional disturbance usually following the birth of an immediately younger sibling is shown by a majority of young children. A sibling rivalry disorder should be diagnosed only if the degree or persistence of the disturbance is both statistically unusual and associated with abnormalities of social interaction.
Sibling jealousy
F93.8 |
Other childhood emotional disorders
Identity disorder
Overanxious disorder
- gender identity disorder of childhood ( F64.2 )
F93.9 |
Childhood emotional disorder, unspecified