Chapter XVI
Birth asphyxia - P21
This category is not to be used for low Apgar score without mention of asphyxia or other respiratory problems.
- intrauterine hypoxia or asphyxia ( P20.- )
P21.0 |
Severe birth asphyxia
Pulse less than 100 per minute at birth and falling or steady, respiration absent or gasping, colour poor, tone absent.
Asphyxia with 1-minute Apgar score 0-3
White asphyxia
P21.1 |
Mild and moderate birth asphyxia
Normal respiration not established within one minute, but heart rate 100 or above, some muscle tone present, some response to stimulation.
Asphyxia with 1-minute Apgar score 4-7
Blue asphyxia
P21.9 |
Birth asphyxia, unspecified (NOS)
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