S05.0 |
Injury of conjunctiva and corneal abrasion without mention of foreign body
- foreign body in:
- conjunctival sac ( T15.1 )
- cornea ( T15.0 )
S05.1 |
Contusion of eyeball and orbital tissues
Traumatic hyphaema
- black eye ( S00.1 )
- contusion of eyelid and periocular area ( S00.1 )
S05.2 |
Ocular laceration and rupture with prolapse or loss of intraocular tissue
S05.3 |
Ocular laceration without prolapse or loss of intraocular tissue
Laceration of eye NOS
S05.4 |
Penetrating wound of orbit with or without foreign body
- retained (old) foreign body following penetrating wound of orbit ( H05.5 )
S05.5 |
Penetrating wound of eyeball with foreign body
- retained (old) intraocular foreign body ( H44.6-H44.7 )
S05.6 |
Penetrating wound of eyeball without foreign body
Ocular penetration NOS
S05.7 |
Avulsion of eye
Traumatic enucleation
S05.8 |
Other injuries of eye and orbit
Lacrimal duct injury
S05.9 |
Injury of eye and orbit, part unspecified
Injury of eye NOS