S13.0 |
Traumatic rupture of cervical intervertebral disc
S13.1 |
Dislocation of cervical vertebra
Cervical spine NOS
S13.2 |
Dislocation of other and unspecified parts of neck
S13.3 |
Multiple dislocations of neck
S13.4 |
Sprain and strain of cervical spine
Anterior longitudinal (ligament), cervical
Atlanto-axial (joints)
Atlanto-occipital (joints)
Whiplash injury
S13.5 |
Sprain and strain of thyroid region
Cricoarytenoid (joint)(ligament)
Cricothyroid (joint)(ligament)
Thyroid cartilage
S13.6 |
Sprain and strain of joints and ligaments of other and unspecified parts of neck