T79.0 |
Air embolism (traumatic)
- air embolism complicating:
- abortion or ectopic or molar pregnancy ( O00-O07 , O08.2 )
- pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium ( O88.0 )
T79.1 |
Fat embolism (traumatic)
- fat embolism complicating:
- abortion or ectopic or molar pregnancy ( O00-O07 , O08.2 )
- pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium ( O88.8 )
T79.2 |
Traumatic secondary and recurrent haemorrhage
T79.3 |
Post-traumatic wound infection, not elsewhere classified
Use additional code (B95-B97), if desired, to identify infectious agent.
T79.4 |
Traumatic shock
Shock (immediate)(delayed) following injury
- shock:
- anaesthetic ( T88.2 )
- anaphylactic:
- NOS ( T78.2 )
- due to:
- adverse food reaction ( T78.0 )
- correct medicinal substance properly administered ( T88.6 )
- serum ( T80.5 )
- complicating abortion or ectopic or molar pregnancy ( O00-O07 , O08.3 )
- electric ( T75.4 )
- lightning ( T75.0 )
- nontraumatic NEC ( R57.- )
- obstetric ( O75.1 )
- postoperative ( T81.1 )
T79.5 |
Traumatic anuria
Crush syndrome
Renal failure following crushing
T79.6 |
Traumatic ischaemia of muscle
Compartment syndrome
Volkmann's ischaemic contracture
- anterior tibial syndrome ( M76.8 )
T79.7 |
Traumatic subcutaneous emphysema
- emphysema (subcutaneous) resulting from a procedure ( T81.8 )
T79.8 |
Other early complications of trauma
T79.9 |
Unspecified early complication of trauma