Z63.0 |
Problems in relationship with spouse or partner
Discord between partners resulting in severe or prolonged loss of control, in generalization of hostile or critical feelings or in a persisting atmosphere of severe interpersonal violence (hitting or striking).
Z63.1 |
Problems in relationship with parents and in-laws
Z63.2 |
Inadequate family support
Z63.3 |
Absence of family member
Z63.4 |
Disappearance and death of family member
Assumed death of family member
Z63.5 |
Disruption of family by separation and divorce
Z63.6 |
Dependent relative needing care at home
Z63.7 |
Other stressful life events affecting family and household
Anxiety (normal) about sick person in family
Health problems within family
Ill or disturbed family member
Isolated family
Z63.8 |
Other specified problems related to primary support group
Family discord NOS
High expressed emotional level within family
Inadequate or distorted communication within family
Z63.9 |
Problem related to primary support group, unspecified