Active ingredients |
Trade names | Pharmaceutical companies |
Avetil Delaxin - Ferndale Laboratories Etroflex Forbaxin - Forest Laboratories Labycarbol - Arlex de Mexico Laxan - Chew Brothers Lumirelax - Tradiphar Laboratoire; Alpharma Mannix - Medicine Products, Thailand; Medicine Supply, Thailand Manobaxine - March Pharmaceuticals Mebaxin - Milano Lab Methamol - Asian Pharmaceutical Methocal Methocarbamol - Able Laboratories Methocarbamol - American Therapy Methocarbamol - APP Pharmaceuticals Methocarbamol - Ascot Pharmaceuticals Methocarbamol - Austarpharma Methocarbamol - Clonmel Healthcare Methocarbamol - Eon Labs Methocarbamol - Heather Methocarbamol - Hetero Drugs Methocarbamol - Impax Laboratories Methocarbamol - Inwood Laboratories Methocarbamol - IVAX Methocarbamol - KV Pharmaceutical Methocarbamol - Lannett Methocarbamol - Mutual Pharmaceuticals Methocarbamol - Mylan Methocarbamol - Nylos Methocarbamol - Par Pharmaceutical Methocarbamol - Pharmeral Methocarbamol - Picco Pharma Methocarbamol - Pioneer Pharmaceuticals Methocarbamol - Purepac Pharmaceuticals Methocarbamol - Roxane Laboratories Methocarbamol - Sandoz Methocarbamol - Solvay Methocarbamol - STERIS Corporation Methocarbamol - Superpharm Methocarbamol - Tablicaps Methocarbamol - Univet Pharmaceuticals Methocarbamol - Upsher-Smith Laboratories Methocarbamol - Vintage Pharmaceuticals Methocarbamol - Watson Pharmaceuticals Methocarbamol - West-Ward Pharmaceuticals Methocarbamol Omega - Omega Laboratories Metofenia Metofenina Miolaxene Miorilas Miowas - Chiesi; Istituto Farmacoterapico Italiano Musxan - Pharmasant Laboratories; Central Poly Trading Myocin - Shiwa Chemicals Myolaxene Myomethol - R.X. Company; AustraPharm Neuraxin Ortoton - Bastian-Werk Parabaxin PMS-Methocarbamol - Pharmascience Polyxan - Utopian Reflexyn Relestrid Remisol - Degort's Chemical Rexivin - Collins Productos Farmaceuticos Robamol Robaxan Robaximol - Montreal Veterinary Products Robaxin - Pfizer; Aspen Pharmacare; Baxter; Ipsen Pharma; Schwarz Pharma; Shire; U.S. Summit; Wyeth Robaxine - Pfizer Robaxisol Robaxon Robinax - Khandelwal Laboratories Romethocarb Surquetil Traumacut - Wyeth; Vifor Pharma Tresortil
Methocarbamol Acetaminophen
Beseroldos - Sanofi-Aventis Carbafen - Liferpal MD Dodds Back Ease - Stella Pharmaceutical Dodd's Back-Ease Muscle Spasm and Back Pain Relief - Stella Pharmaceutical Dodd's Extra Strength Back-Ease - Stella Pharmaceutical Extra Strength Muscle and Back Pain Relief - Vita Health Products Extra Strength Tylenol Back Pain - Ortho McNeil Pharmaceuticals Extra Strength Tylenol Body Pain Night - Ortho McNeil Pharmaceuticals Flexinol - Cipla Methoxacet - Ratiopharm; Rougier Pharma Methoxacet Extra Strength - Ratiopharm; Rougier Pharma Midol Night-Time - Bayer Schering Pharma Miyorel - Sanofi-Aventis Muscle and Back Pain Relief - Jamp Pharma Muscle and Back Pain Relief - PendoPharm Muscle and Back Pain Relief - Ratiopharm; Rougier Pharma Muscle and Back Pain Relief - Vita Health Products Muscle and Back Pain Relief Extra Strength - Pharmetics Muscle and Back Pain Relief Extra Strength - Ratiopharm; Rougier Pharma Muscle and Back Pain Relief Regular Strength - Pharmetics Neuromol-MR - Ultramark Healthcare Obusforme - Wampole Brands Relaxophen - Tanta Pharmaceuticals Robaxacet - Pfizer; Wyeth Robaxacet Extra Strength - Pfizer; Wyeth Robaxifen - Wyeth Robaxisal Compuesto - Pfizer; Ipsen Pharma; Wyeth Robinaxol - Khandelwal Laboratories Ultranac-MR - Obsurge Biotech
Methocarbamol Acetaminophen Codeine Phosphate
Methoxacet-C 1 / 8 - Ratiopharm; Rougier Pharma Muscle and Back Pain Relief - Pharmetics Muscle and Back Pain Relief-8 - PendoPharm Muscle and Back Pain Relief-8 - Pharmascience Muscle and Back Pain Relief-8 - Pharmetics Muscle and Back Pain Relief-8 - Rougier Pharma Muscle and Back Pain Relief-8 - Vita Health Products; Stanley Pharmaceuticals Robaxacet-8 - Pfizer; Wyeth Spasmhalt - Stanley Pharmaceuticals; Pendopharm
Methocarbamol Acetaminophen Diclofenac
Asolt-AT - Profic Organic
Methocarbamol Acetaminophen Diclofenac Potassium
Robinaxol-D - Khandelwal Laboratories
Methocarbamol Aluminum Hydroxide Dexamethasone Phenylbutazone
Vengesic - Collins Productos Farmaceuticos
Methocarbamol Aspirin
Aspirin Backache - Bayer Schering Pharma Aspirin Night-Time - Bayer Schering Pharma Carbamox - Offenbach Mexicana Extra Strength Aspirin Backache - Bayer Schering Pharma Extra Strength Muscle and Back Pain - Vita Health Products Methocarbamol; Aspirin - IVAX Methocarbamol; Aspirin - Ortho McNeil Pharmaceuticals Methocarbamol; Aspirin - Par Pharmaceutical Methocarbamol; Aspirin - Stevens J Methoxisal - Ratiopharm; Rougier Pharma Methoxisal Extra Strength - Ratiopharm; Rougier Pharma Muscle and Back Pain ASA, Methocarbamol, Aspirin - Vita Health Products Muscle and Back Pain Relief Extra Strength - PendoPharm Muscle and Back Pain Relief with ASA - Technilab Pharma Muscle Relaxant and Analgesic - Technilab Pharma Muscle Relaxant and Back Pain Relief Extra Strength - Pharmetics Obusforme Aspirin - Wampole Brands Ortoton Plus - Bastian-Werk Remisol-Pls - Degort's Chemical Remisol-Plus - Degort's Chemical Robaxisal - Pfizer; Ipsen Pharma; Robins AH; Shire; Wyeth Robaxisal Extra Strength - Pfizer; Wyeth Robaxisal Forte - Pfizer; Shire; Wyeth
Methocarbamol Aspirin Codeine Phosphate
Methoxisal-C 1 / 2 - Ratiopharm; Rougier Pharma Methoxisal-C 1 / 4 - Ratiopharm; Rougier Pharma Methoxisal-C 1 / 8 - Ratiopharm; Rougier Pharma Robaxisal C - Pfizer; Wyeth Robaxisal C 1 / 2 - Pfizer; Wyeth Robaxisal C 1 / 4 - Pfizer; Wyeth Spasmhalt-ASA - Stanley Pharmaceuticals; Pendopharm
Methocarbamol Betamethasone Indometacin
Artridol - Representaciones e Investigaciones Medicas
Methocarbamol Ibuprofen
Analgesic and Muscle Relaxant Caplets - Ratiopharm; Rougier Pharma Axum - Rougier Pharma Carbager-Plus - Streger Extra Strength Analgesic and Muscle Relaxant - Pharmascience Ibugesic-M - Cipla Muscle and Back Pain Relief with Ibuprofen - Rougier Pharma Platinum Muscle and Back Pain Relief - Vita Health Products Robax Gold - Pfizer; Wyeth Robax Platinum - Pfizer; Wyeth Robiflam - Khandelwal Laboratories Summit Ultra - Pendopharm
Methocarbamol Indometacin
Malival Compuesto - Silanes Laboratorios Morlan - Andromaco Industria Farmaceutica Reupat - Parggon Laboratorios Sancago - Chinta; Pharma Square
Methocarbamol Meloxicam
Dolocam Plus - Representaciones e Investigaciones Medicas
Methocarbamol Methyl Nicotinate
Lumirelax Ointment - Gallier Laboratoires
Methocarbamol Nimesulide
Robilid - Khandelwal Laboratories
Methocarbamol Salicylamide
Flexamol - Diba Laboratorios